Community | Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis

Committed spiritual leadership possessing a deep, well-rounded knowledge of fundamental Jewish sources is the first and foremost requirement for sustainable Jewish-Israeli growth. The Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis is the only one of its kind, an egalitarian program training pluralistic Israeli spiritual community leaders to catalyze a process of spiritual rejuvenation for the Israeli public sphere and its emerging Jewish communities.
The program, developed in partnership with the Shalom Hartman Institute, brings together voices representing the diversity of Israeli-Jewish experience to define an Israeli rabbinical leadership model for our times. The program creates a cadre of community spiritual leaders versed in a pluralistic Jewish language, with the drive, vision, and know-how to establish and lead spiritual communities within Israeli society.

Based on a vision of Jewish peoplehood, the program emphasizes the development of a common values-based language for Jewish society in Israel. Program participants will learn and develop a new, meta-denominational language of Jewish identity that draws from Israel’s diverse and rich culture and heritage. They will also gain the pastoral skills to effectively guide their communities in the contemporary world. The program’s curriculum addresses some of the most compelling topics for Israeli society, including contemporary challenges, community and community support, sacred time (Shabbat, holidays and lifecycle ceremonies), God and theology, family, mitzvah, halakhah and law, and personal, community and national morals.

The pilot cohort, composed of 18 senior Israeli spiritual leaders, was ordained in September 2016, and a second cohort of similar standing is progressing in the program. Future cohorts will comprise candidates with a significant background in Jewish studies who will undergo scholarly and conceptual development and training focused on creating a common vision and building community leadership capacity. The community activities of the program’s participants and alumni are catalyzing a fundamental shift in Jewish spiritual practice, making it more inclusive, meaningful and beneficial to Israeli society.


Program Directors
Program directors are Rabba Tamar Elad-Appelbaum and Rav Shay Zarchi from HaMidrasha at Oranim and Rabbi Dani Segal and Rabbi Dr. Shraga Bar-On from Shalom Hartman Institute.


Jerusalem ordination of secular Jews seeks to ‘redeem’ the word ‘rabbi’ ,Times of Israel

Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis, E-Jewish Philanthropy

Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis, Ordination Ceremony, E-Jewish Philanthropy

Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis, Makor Rishon Newspaper, Hebrew


We greatly appreciate our Founding Philanthropic Partners:

Diane and Howard Wohl
Alisa and Dan Doctoroff
Vicki and William Abrams
The Gimprich Family Foundation
Caroline and Brian Lurie
Michelle Friedman MD and Benjamin Belfer

